Sunday 30 September 2012

The Story of ADAM......

“Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnngggggg”. The sound of the bell signifies the end of class. Adam cannot wait to go home. He quickly went out of the classroom and met her mother at the front of the school gate. On their way back home, they saw the ice-cream motorcycle parked at the side of the road. There was music blasting from the motorcycle. His mother bought for him an ice-cream cone and he ate it. He liked it very much. The next day, he saw the motorcycle again and he asked his mother for another ice-cream. He really liked it very much. On the next day again, he did not saw the motorcycle and just went back home with his mother. When he was doing his homework, he heard a similar music from the motorcycle the other day. His mouth started to salivate.
            A few hours later, he had a stomachache. He cannot bear the pain and cried a lot. His mother brought him to the hospital for a checkup. The doctors said that he needs to be hospitalized as he got food poisoning. On the first day, the nurse put him on a drip as he is feeling very weak. On the second day, nurses came into his ward for injections, blood checkups and giving medicines. As time goes by he developed a fear for anyone who wears white. He even cried when he saw the doctor. By the forth day, he realizes that the female nurses are the ones that make him cried a lot. When male nurses came in for a checkup, he does not have any fear in him.

            On the fifth day, nurses checked on him and there was no more injections and blood checkups. He was taken out of the drip. Slowly the fear of nurses decrease. At the end of the day, he is not that afraid of nurses anymore. On his last day in the hospital, a female nurse came in the morning to certify that he is healthy. Upon seeing the nurse he felt a tinge of fear. The nurse comforted him to assure everything is fine. During the afternoon a nurse came in and gave him a gift. When he was being discharged from the hospital, they bid him farewell and gave him a hug.. He went for checkup once a week for a month and every time before he met the nurse and the doctor, he was given a sweet. Subsequently, he does not fear the nurse anymore.

            At home, he watched cartoon as there was no television in the hospital. In the cartoon there was a character of a nurse, and there was a bit of fear in him. He continued watching the cartoon till the end. At school, he felt a toothache and went to the school’s dental clinic. He saw the nurse and he started crying. The nurse calmed him down and he went for a checkup.

            At night, he was still watching television even though he has not finished his homework yet. His father gives him a warning but he does not listen. For the second warning, his father got mad at him but he still ignored his father. He got beaten by his father and he cried and got scared. For the next day, he does not want to go to school as he did not finish up his homework. His father came along to his room with a cane and his father threatens him by acting like he wanted to cane him. He got scared and started to cry. After that, every time he saw a cane, he got scared.

            Now, Adam is a healthy and happy child who does his homework on time.

The end. 

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