Monday 24 September 2012

In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
Praise be to Allah,
The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
And Peace and Prayer be upon,
The Final Prophet and Messenger.

First week:
 New semester…new subject and we focus on study more than other things else. (‿◕✿).
Psychology of Learning Class – it is actually very interesting class, we have a discussion among friends and our lecturer, Dr Lihanna Borhan for the first time. The process of learning applied by  Dr Lihanna just so much easier and much more interesting with different type of activities in which helps us have a deep understanding on such topic. We felt so much fun and enjoyed with the class activities that automatically ease us in remembering the lessons. Furthermore, Learning psychology is kind of simple and interesting subject because we can relate things around us with what we have learned. Besides, others subject in psychology also had touched on theory in learning and it help us to learned new things based on what we have learned before.

Second week:
First class: We learn about Psychology of Learning from an Islamic Perspective. Actually, the word psychology means study of the soul. From our opinion, we believe that is very important that Muslims especially for us as IIUM psychology student define and develop Islamic Psychology based on the Quran. Behaviors are changed because we learned. In the class, madam Lihanna give us an example “Surah Al-‘Alaq” as the reflection about learning that comes directly from Allah – He Who taught (the use of) of the pen, taught man that which he knew not (96: 4-5). It is also through human experience.
Concept of Learning divided into two sources from Islamic Worldview

Second class: Before the starting of the lesson we were told to be in our group to name the parts of the neurons. One of us acted as a neuron and other members need to stick the names of the parts of the neuron on her body. when each representative of the group stood in front  we saw clearly the parts of the neurons as it in 3D.

The structure of the brain

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