Sunday 4 November 2012

Week 6

On our week 6 lecture, we had a pop quiz on Tuesday for this class. “Arrgghh..” we screamed in our heart because we were not prepared. The questions of this pop quiz emphasize on classical and instrumental conditioning.
While on Thursday, we have a lecture by our lovely Madam on “Effects of Reinforcement Schedule”. Madam emphasizes us on the different terms use in the schedule. 

Fixed Ratio
Reinforcer is presented after a certain constant number of responses have occurred.
After 5th times response to the stimulus then get the food.
Better in establishing the behavior.
Variable ratio
Reinforcement is presented after a particular, yet continually changing.
Depends on number of responses but not fixed in certain interval.
Respond all time but get reward once in a while.
Fixed interval
Reinforcement is contingent on the 1st response emitted after a particular constant amount of time has gone by.
Reward the 1st response after a fixed time interval.
Respond when sense the timing is near.
Variable interval
Reinforcement is contingent on the 1st response emitted after a certain time interval has elapsed, but the length of the interval changes from 1 occasion to the next.
Don’t know when to get the reward.
Repeat doing the action.

This is the last post before the mid semester break, we will continue to update this blog after a week of holiday…


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