Friday, 16 November 2012



This week on Tuesday in psychology of learning class with Dr.Lihanna, we continue our lecture on the interesting subtopic which is “Modeling” under social cognitive theory. We noted in the class last week, that children easily imitate others around them. So, in this week class we got to know various ways modeling can affect behavior, types of effective model influence learning and the kinds of behaviors that can be modeled.


 For Thursday class, we learn on the new topic which is “Cognitive Theories of Learning”. In this lecture, we noted that learning can’t occur if learner not processes the information and learner also must be active. We also learned on the cognitivism VS behavioursm. They look at the same things related to learning but different in describing.
            Furthermore, we learn on “Gestalt Psychology. This perspective ideas including that the perception is often different from reality and the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

1.    Laws of pragnanz
See thing as simple as possible.
2.    Similarity
Group thing together when similar –size, color etc.
3.    Proximity
Group the close each other than others.
4.    Closure
Complete the not complete “fill in the blank”.
5.    Good condition
See thing as smooth.
6.    Common fate
Object in the same direction seen belonging together.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Week 7

SaLam.. hye,,

Tuesday, 30th October 2012

                Madam set aside this lesson time for consultation for our da’wah project work. We did not have any formal lesson on this day. We went to our groups and discuss thoroughly on our project. We decided to talk to madam first before proceeding with the discussion. After discussing with Madam, we had a few points to address as our plan was lacking a few things.

                We decided to collaborate with Mahallah Halimah’s café for our da’wah project. Our objective is to instill good moral values of students at the café. We focus on the cleanliness of the café and the plan is to get students to put away their used utensils at a designated place after eating. Madam reminded us to use what we have learn as guidelines and to not miss any details such as what kind of reinforcement or punishment that we are using and to see if it is effective or not.

                We then to move on to discuss about our animal project training that we had delayed for quite sometime on what animal to use. After weighing the pro’s and cons of each type of animal, we decided to adopt a cat from the mahallah as our pet for the training. We discussed about how we are going to take care of the animal and the tricks that is possible to use for the cat.
                Madam instructed us to send in a proposal for the da’wah project work.


Thursday, 1st November 2012.

                We had a pop quiz (again) on the topic of Reinforcement Schedule. We were given 5 minutes to complete the quiz. The time ended with the alarm set by madam. It seems easy but it was quite confusing.
                We start a lesson with chapter 6 titled Social Cognitive Theory. We learned different perspectives towards learning. Unlike classical conditioning that uses association as to change behavior, social cognitive theory can be learned through observation without a change in behavior.


  Bandura triadic model of reciprocal determinism

An example of social cognitive theory is the experiment done by Bandura to measure children’s aggressiveness when model are being shown in different form.